Dummy Images

This service allows you to receive a random picture. Simply insert the image on the page
<img src="https://images.nikitakiselev.ru/random" alt="Random image">

Upload new images

Simple using

https://images.nikitakiselev.ru/random - Get a random original size image

https://images.nikitakiselev.ru/random/400 - Get a random image with width 400px

https://images.nikitakiselev.ru/random/300/200 - Get a random image resized to 300x200

Download some images to project folder

You can download some images to project folder for demo purposes. Just using this script.

php -r "$(curl -fsSL https://gist.githubusercontent.com/nikitakiselev/c86c56ce39c7eb9ec3c5eba54f24fd76/raw") 20

Scripts will download 20 images to the current folder.